The LGBTQ+ Democrats of Wake County works within the Wake County Democratic Party, to provide a strong voice and representation for LGBTQ+ people. Our goal is to secure fully equal rights for all LGBTQ+ citizens through effective legislation and policies, to elect pro-equality Democrats to office, and encourage LGBTQ+ people to participate fully as Democrats at all levels of policy making and public service.
Rev. Clayton Brooks, President
Pronouns he/him
Rev. Clayton Brooks is a pastor, community organizer, and nonprofit leader. His career has spanned work in churches, nonprofit organizations, government, and political campaigns. Rev. Brooks has helped achieve tangible public policy advancements around issues as diverse as youth homelessness, fair budget policy, public health, and civil rights.
His service to the Democratic Party began with the 2010 Elections, during which he managed the campaign which elected the first openly LGBTQ+ person to the North Carolina House of Representatives, Marcus Brandon. He went on to organize the formation of the LGBTQ+ Democrats of North Carolina in 2011. In 2017, Rev. Brooks served as a precinct vice chair, the First Vice Chair of the Wake County Democratic Party, and the Second Congressional District Chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party. He currently serves on the NCDP State Executive Committee and Council of Review.
Rev. Brooks received his Bachelor’s Degree in the Study of Religion from Harvard University and a Masters of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary at Columbia University. He is a proud member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Currently a resident of Raleigh, Rev. Brooks is originally from Laurinburg, North Carolina.
Brandi Brown, Vice President
Pronouns she/her
Brandi Brown works in progressive politics as an organizer. She got her start in LGBTQ+ activism when she helped planned the first Pride event in Macon, Georgia. Since then, she has worked with a variety of causes and organizations. She managed the campaign of the first openly transgender woman to run for office in North Carolina - and remains hopeful for the day we will be able to break that barrier. She currently is a precinct chair, area coordinator for Knightdale, and a member of the State Executive Committee.
Rich Elkins, Secretary & Treasurer
Pronouns he/him
Rich Elkins’s Democratic and LGBTQ+ activism goes back to his college days in the early 90s when he was an officer with the NCSU College Dems, then at ECU when he started the LGBTQ+ Student organization on campus there. Over the years, his focus would switch between the two until becoming a charter member of the LGBTQ+ Democrats of NC, where he served as 3rd District Chair until moving to Raleigh in 2016. He served as our Chapter President from 2021-24 and currently serves as a Precinct Vice Chair in East Raleigh, WCDP Assistant Parliamentarian, and a member of the SEC.
Wayne Galli, Member At-Large
Pronouns he/him
Events Committee Chair
Wayne Galli is new to actively participating in the local party and new to the Raleigh area where he resides with his partner, their three dogs, too many chickens (fresh eggs anyone), and three guinea fowl. He has been active in the past with the Human Rights Campaign when he lived in South Florida. He is a member of the Wake County Democratic Party Impact Circle. In his day job he works to improve the electric grid to facilitate the transition to renewable energy.
George Greene, Member At-Large
Pronouns he/him
Membership Committee Chair
George Greene is a precinct chair in southeast Raleigh and a longtime Democratic activist. He was a founding member of the LGBTQ+ Democrats of North Carolina. He serves on the North Carolina Democratic Party's Plan of Organization Committee. George is also our Congressional District 2 representative.
Henry Jarrett, Member At-Large
Pronouns he/him
Policy Committee Chair
I am lifelong resident of Raleigh. I became active in Democratic Party politics when I was teenager through Teen Democrats. Currently I am President of the Progressive Democrats of Wake County, Chair of Wake 01-11 and Area Coordinator for the North Hills Area.
Hillary Varner, Member At-Large
Pronouns they/them
Communications Committee Chair
They have served as the social media expert for Anderson County Democratic Party in East Tennessee from 2012-2017, and as county party Secretary from 2013-2016.
In 2017 they moved to Cary, NC and have been a precinct officer, Third Vice Chair (2019-2021), SEC representative, and technology and communications volunteer for Wake County Democratic Party. At their last job they were a founding member and officer of the company’s LGBTQ+ ERG.